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An Authorizing Official is any individual permitted, alone or with others, by any provision of law or by the issuing public entity, to execute and sign off on behalf of the applicant organization.

PROJECT MANAGER at Lead Organization


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Describe your project goals for community impact, arts and community engagement, project feasibility, organizational capacity, and experience managing federal funds and overall team expertise by answering the questions below: 

Discuss the neighborhood challenge or opportunity your project addresses. What community change do you envision from your project? If your project is a component of a larger community plan, please provide background on the planning process and an overview of major components. What will be different in your community after completing the project? How will you define success and what indicators will you use to measure? Describe how the project will help improve the quality of life for current community members. (500 words or less)  

Describe the specific role of arts, artists, and culture in the project. (500 words or less). How is your project team leveraging creativity to advance the community’s economic, physical, and social vitality?  What community engagement strategies will you employ to cast a wide net of input and ideas?

Discuss the key resources (e.g. technical, physical, financial, etc.) required for the proposed project and their status. (500 words or less) Describe the organization’s experience managing Federal funds, reporting and compliance. How likely is the project to be completed by 2026? What area(s) does your project team need technical assistance in? Describe the organization’s experience managing Federal funds, reporting and compliance. How likely is the project to be completed by 2026? What area(s) does your project team need technical assistance in?  

Describe how key project partners/collaborators will contribute their expertise to the success of the proposed project, including the ability to complete funded projects within program timeframe. (500 words or less)
Before submitting your application, be sure the below items have been included. 


For your Creative Placemaking Project Plan upload, please provide one document with the following:

  • Project history, if applicable and relevant
  • Project budget (indicating proposed source and status of all project revenue)
  • Project timeline 
  • Long-term maintenance plan 
  • Site control (What is the plan to gain site control? What approvals are needed?)
  • Images and details of proposed site, if applicable
  • List of Board of Directors
  • Roster of project team and key community partners (artists, community development leaders, residents, etc.) with brief biographies, their role in the project, and highlighting relevant skills and experiences

Note: maximum file size is 35mb.

Note: maximum file size is 35mb.

Note: maximum file size is 35mb.

Note: maximum file size is 35mb.

Note: maximum file size is 35mb.

Note: maximum file size is 35mb.

Note: maximum file size is 35mb.


This information will have no impact on whether or not you receive a grant. This is purely for reporting purposes and to better understand the makeup of the Suburban Cook County nonprofit arts sector, in order to improve future programs meant to serve this vital sector.